Life doesn’t give you what you want – it gives you what you believe
You have the ability to effect change in any part of your life. You just need to know how.
The aim of Zest2Change is to equip you with the tools and techniques to be able to do that, both in the short and long term. Hypnotherapy will help you deeply relax, reduce overall anxiety and calm the parasympathetic nervous system, which will allow you to access the vast inner resources within you and put you back in control, as well as helping you achieve the right mindset to effect change.
We work together and, with your strong intent, we can work quite quickly. There is no set number of sessions you may need but most clients see a real change after 8 sessions, while you can give up smoking after one, two-hour session and say goodbye to a fear or phobia in as little as four sessions. It really depends on you and what you want to achieve.
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and Solution Focused Therapy (SFH) can help with a number of conditions:
- Improve self esteem, self confidence and reduce anxiety
- Achieve balance, confidence and success in a highly pressured environment
- Help overcome fears and phobias
- Improve areas such as fertility, chronic pain, weight issues
- Help deal with grief and PTSD
In essence, hypnotherapy can ‘clear’ your mind and help you focus on what you truly want to achieve, whether that’s saying goodbye to smoking, excess weight, negative thoughts, anxiety, stress or a lack of self-esteem.
It’s a way to find the best version of you and to give you the tools to live life the way you want to, where you’re in control of your own positive future.
Zest2Change’s approach is to be flexible, focused, entirely confidential and to offer a tailored approach that addresses your individual needs.
MP3 or CD personalised recording for every client for both RTT and SFH
The brain learns through repetition and while most of the work is done in the session, clients will be given a recording that helps to to fire and wire the new neural pathways associated with the new beliefs that will create the new behaviours. All clients receive a complementary MP3 personalised recording to listen to for a minimum of 21 days after the session and you can always refer to at any point in the future.
It’s the attention to detail which makes the difference between success and failure. Zest2Change’s aim is to help you achieve your goals.
Find out more
RTT is a new therapeutic approach developed by Marisa Peer, a world renowned therapist, author and motivational speaker, that has helped thousands of people worldwide to successfully overcome their issues.
RTT is a scientific hybrid solution focused therapy which incorporates the most effective components of Hypnotherapy, NLP, CBT and Psychotherapy. Marisa Peer has been a highly successful therapist for more than 30 years and is now teaching her method to others.
I trained with Marisa Peer and qualified as a RTT Therapist in October 2018.
RTT looks to get to the root of your problem, removing any toxic beliefs or programmes that no longer serve you and create space to install new powerful beliefs.
RTT embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients; the use of trance, regression and hypnotic conditioning which are all very natural states where you are in complete control.
As your therapist I will work with you on your subconscious mind in the session and through an intensive and individually guided hypnosis, free you from any limiting beliefs and behaviours and leading you to powerful, permanent change.
The brain learns through repetition and in order to fire and wire the new neural pathways associated with the new beliefs that will create the new behaviours, all clients receive a complementary MP3 personalised recording to listen to for a minimum of 21 days after the session and you can always refer to it at any point in the future.
If you have any further questions or would like to discuss how RTT can help your personal situation, please book a free, no obligation initial consultation.
Please look at this short video by Marisa Peer, who trained me, which explains more about RTT and how it might benefit you:
What is Rapid Transformational Therapy?
SFH is a modern psychotherapeutic approach that uses practical, structured and well researched strategies based on the latest neuroscience to help clients make significant, positive changes in their lives in a relatively short period of time.
Crucially, in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, we look at what you want to achieve (the solution) rather than at whatever prompted you to seek help (the problem) and work on your best hopes for how you want to move forward in your life in the future.
A typical session will include 25 minutes of talking therapy (psychotherapy) where we look at your progress and goals and understand what is happening from a neuroscience perspective, followed by 25 minutes of hypnosis, where I will gently guide you with my voice into a state of deep relaxation and trance using visualisation. The part of your brain associated with creativity and finding solutions will be activated, helping you to come up with new patterns of thought and behaviour that are more in line with your desired future. We will then finish by reviewing what came up and answering any questions.
You will be given a personalised MP3 / CD to listen to every day that will reinforce the work during the session. SFH recognises you as the expert and we work together to produce your desired outcome in a short space of time.
SFH uses hypnosis or trance to provide a shift in our conscious awareness and access the subconscious mind. Trance used during hypnotherapy is a very natural and safe state and a very natural state of being.
In our daily lives we all naturally go in and out of trance states many times during the day – perhaps we are driving, reading a good book or washing the dishes. In this relaxed state, we experience changes in our conscious awareness – almost like being in a day-dream. During this time, the unconscious mind is more aware and can focus on helpful suggestions and thoughts. When we are in trance under hypnosis we are still in control and we process and decide whether information or suggestions are useful to us or not and will not accept or do anything against our will.
Background to Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
The Solution Focused approach was developed in America in the 1980s by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg. After spending many years studying problem behaviour and trying to change it they switched to studying ‘solution behaviour’ and how to promote it.
They found that there were two simple concepts that underpinned the solution focus.
- Nobody is perfect and this applies to our problems as well as everything else. If no-one can do their problem perfectly there must always be times when they don’t do them so well. These times de Shazer and Berg called exceptions. Whatever the person is doing differently at these ‘exceptional’ times will be the basis for a potential solution. Part of the solution focused hypnotherapy session is to discover whatever a person is already doing which might contribute to the resolution of the problem with which they have come.
- Knowing where you want to get to makes the getting there much more likely. One of the common consequences of a persistent problem is that it clouds our view of the future. We know that we don’t want the problem but we have lost sight of what it is we do want. In the session we focus on what life might be like if the problem was solved. As the answers to these questions gradually unfold both the therapist and client begins to get a picture of the client’s desired outcome and then work on what small steps of action can be taken to move closer to that outcome. As the client directs their attention to this, the focus of thought, followed by a behaviour of action, often leads to the manifestation of the desired outcome.
SFH is evidence based and widespread research shows to be effective in 65 – 85% of cases in an average of 5-6 sessions.
During your free initial consultation, I will fully describe a typical session so you know what to expect.
The use of Zoom has many advantages for you, as there is no travelling, traffic problems / parking issues, and often clients feel more comfortable being in their own home.
It also means that I am able to treat clients from around the world. So if you want to get the results of RTT or Solution Focused Hypnotherapy with me, but don’t live in London that’s no problem at all!
Hypnotherapy by Zoom works in just the same way as if we were in the same room. All that is required is a good internet connection, and either a phone tablet or computer with a camera and microphone. Zoom is similar to Skype, but is more stable and can last for any desired amount of time, as I have a Zoom account. I send you a Zoom link with the date and time of the session that you just click on and is absolutely free to you ( you only have to install Zoom software on the first session if you do not already have this (I can explain how), but all free of charge to you as the client).
Do we need to talk about my past experiences or childhood?
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy differs from other more analytical therapies, in that it is forward looking. In fact, analysing the past has proved to be counterproductive, as going over the past simply reinforces current templates in the primitive mind, which is what we need to change to move forward.
However, If there are feelings or traumas, we can remove the emotional attachment to these in a gentle way, without having to talk about the past in any great detail.
Rapid Transformational Therapy is an alternative method of hypnotherapy, which can look at past experiences. RTT looks to get to the root of your problem, removing any toxic beliefs or programmes that no longer serve you and create space to install new powerful beliefs.
RTT embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients; the use of trance, regression and hypnotic conditioning which are all very natural states where you are in complete control.
Can everyone be hypnotised?
Anyone can be hypnotised but treatment is more effective for patients with high intent, who really want change and a cure and it relies on you being open to change.
Is Hypnotherapy safe?
Hypnotherapy is similar to meditation and the deep state of relaxation you experience during trance has often been compared to the state of being that is achieved from meditation. This is because you are quietening the conscious part of your mind, allowing the subconscious (creative and solution) mind to take over, which is more open to positive suggestion.
It’s a completely natural process and there are no health and safety risks for the patient.
Can I be made to do anything while under hypnosis?
No, you are fully in control while in trance and cannot be made to do anything that you don’t want to do.
‘Stage hypnosis’ where a person is hypnotised in front of an audience, has encouraged people to have sceptical views on hypnotherapy as a valid form of treatment for people suffering with life-debiliating habits, phobias and anxieties. That type of hypnosis is very much about entertaining the audience and the person under hypnosis will be permitting themselves to go along with this to add to the entertainment factor.